science-softCon uv/vis+ spectra data base;, (C) science-softCon 2017 Substance: acetaldehyde Other Names: ethanal Formula: CH3CHO CAS-No.: 75-07-0 Study: UV absorption spectrosopy Authors: J.S. Lake, A.J. Harrison Title: Absorption of acyclic oxygen compounds in the vacuum ultraviolet. III. Acetone and acetaldehyde Journal/Source: J. Chem. Phys., 30, 361-362, (1959); Data: table, diagram Energy/Wavelength range: 149 - 204 nm Resolution: Temperature: 295 K Temperature dependence: no Pressure/Concentration: Phase: vapor pH: Comments: A fluorite prism vacuum spectrograph and hydrogen lamp have been used to determine the 49000 - 67000 cm-1 absorption spectra of acetone and acetaldehyde in the vapor phase at 22°C. Author to whom correspondence should be addressed: (e-mail address):